This guide shows how to add toast notifications to your web app using the Sonner component library. We’ll cover installation, setup in a Next.js app, and examples for success and error messages. By following this, you’ll improve user interaction with instant feedback.

✨ Prerequisites

  • Basic knowledge of React and Next.js
  • Node.js installed on your machine
  • A Next.js project set up
  • Shadcn/UI already setup in your project (see installation guide)

Project Structure (Next.js 13+)

  ├── src
  │   ├── app
  │   │   ├── page.tsx
  │   │   ├── layout.tsx   # Root Layout
  │   │   ├── loading.tsx
  │   ├── components
  │   │   └── ui
  │   │       └── sonner.tsx   # Sonner component
  │   ├── ...

Integrate Sonner



To start, install the Sonner library in your app using npx (or via other installation options):

npx shadcn-ui@latest add sonner

The executable above will add a sonner component inside of the components/ui directory.

'use client';

import { useTheme } from 'next-themes';
import { Toaster as Sonner } from 'sonner';

type ToasterProps = React.ComponentProps<typeof Sonner>;

const Toaster = ({ ...props }: ToasterProps) => {
const { theme = 'system' } = useTheme();

return (
		theme={theme as ToasterProps['theme']}
		className='toaster group'
			classNames: {
				toast: 'group toast group-[.toaster]:bg-white group-[.toaster]:text-stone-950 group-[.toaster]:border-stone-200 group-[.toaster]:shadow-lg dark:group-[.toaster]:bg-stone-950 dark:group-[.toaster]:text-stone-50 dark:group-[.toaster]:border-stone-800',
					'group-[.toast]:text-stone-500 dark:group-[.toast]:text-stone-400',
					'group-[.toast]:bg-stone-900 group-[.toast]:text-stone-50 dark:group-[.toast]:bg-stone-50 dark:group-[.toast]:text-stone-900',
					'group-[.toast]:bg-stone-100 group-[.toast]:text-stone-500 dark:group-[.toast]:bg-stone-800 dark:group-[.toast]:text-stone-400',

export { Toaster };

This component will be used to display toast notifications globally in your app! You can customize the appearance of the toast notifications by modifying the classNames object in the toastOptions prop.


Adding Sonner

To use Sonner for toast notifications, you typically include it in a provider component that wraps your entire app within the root layout file. However, for simplicity, we’ll add sonner directly.

Import the Toaster component inside the root layout file.

import type { Metadata } from 'next';
import { Inter } from 'next/font/google';
import '../styles/globals.css';
import { Toaster } from '@/components/ui/sonner' // <----- Import Toaster component

Add the Toaster component to the Root Layout function in the layout.tsx file.

export default function RootLayout({ children }: Readonly<{ children: React.ReactNode }>) {
    return (
        <html lang='en' suppressHydrationWarning>
            <body className={inter.className}>
                <Toaster /> // <------ Add Toaster component here
This Sonner component can now be programmatically used to display toast notifications globally.

Calling and using Sonner

Inside of any component or page, you can now import and call the Sonner component to display a toast notification.

'use client'; // <--- Sonner works in the client-side only
import { toast } from 'sonner';

Display a success message

toast.success('Event has been created')

View full docs to see all the available options for the toast function.

🎉 Done!